Please note: This workshop consists of two sessions.
15.9.2021-16:30-18:30 – Designing Your Life – Workshop I
22.9.2021-16:30-18:30 – Designing Your Work Life – Workshop II
This workshop, which is based on the book Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, will be facilitated by Dr. Joann Halpern (Director, Hasso Plattner Institute, New York) and Nils Karn (Senior Lecturer for Design Thinking at IUBH).
This is a two-part workshop. Each session will last two hours with a one-week break between sessions. The workshop uses Design Thinking to help participants develop a constructive approach to designing their careers and their lives. The workshop focuses on four concepts, which will be developed through an online presentation, exercises, and reflection. Topics covered include Energy-Engagement Maps, Odyssey Plans, Fixed vs Growth Mindsets, and Workviews/Lifeviews.
For registration please send a direct email with the subject “DYL registration” to Nils Karn:
The workshop will be conducted entirely online with a minimum of 10 participants in English. You will be provided a Zoom link 3 days ahead of the workshop.